Hurricane Katrina

     Hurricane Katrina happened on August 23, 2005. I was 2 and the current time. This hurricane is in the top five of most deadliests hurricanes. It had the biggest impact on New Orleans. There was major flooding because of the levees that broke. The article that I read was more on the statistics of the storm. More than 80% of the city was flooded and the population was basically cut in half. I knew it was that bad because my grandparents lost there entire house in Lake Pontchartrain. They came back and nothing was there exept a couple of pot with snakes in them.

     Many people could not find a shelter to go to. Many of them went ot the Superdome as an evacuation process. There were more than 10,000 people at the time in the football stadium. The money that this storm caused to be spent was the highest amount. This amount was 108 billion dollars. Many people living on Lake Pontchratrain were smashed with wind and water. There were no more piers left in the water. This was a category 5 hurricane at the time and now the professionals think it was a category 3. I do not believe that theory because it was so devastating and costly.



  1. I really like how you didn't focus on one person in particular but the Katrina victims as a whole.


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