The Great Gatsby by Frank Scott Fitzgerald

This book was very interesting but had many things going on at the same time. The characters in this book make some very bad decisions that affected their lives. The message that I think the author is trying to get across is no matter how bad your relationship is and how much you are in love with another person don't cheat on someone you are dating or married to. Cheating comes with consequences like divorce or in someone's case in the book, death. If you are in love with someone other than your spouse you should tell both sides and resolve it in a mature way.

One of the main reasons people cheat is because the other person has money. The other person with the money could be bribing you with money and could not love you. Once that you figure that out you could be on your second divorce and broke. The message is very clear in the story of Nick Caraway's life and meeting Jay Gatsby. The book was great and had a very good message to adults or even teenagers.


  1. I really like how you stated the theme and gave a great example about this. I've heard about this book being good but I never actually knew what it was about. I might actually read this now.

  2. Dang, man, That's really good; mine was mainly my opinions on the book and shorter. I personally couldn't get into the story, but I'm glad someone else did; I really should reread the book.


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