Strengths and Challenges

In English 1 this years we have written many papers this year in a short amount of time. They are mostly rhetorical papers such as, a personal narrative, a literary analysis, and a research paper. I found my strength in my personal narrative because I wrote about a story that happened in my life that I remembered vividly. When I write papers I tend to write a lot more than required especially for the narrative. I was able to make the reader feel as if he or she was there with my diction and vivid detail in my paper.

The challenge was the literary analysis because you had to find something to write about in the Lord of the Flies. I did not seek much help and that was my main problem. I went to the writing center but it was too late in my paper to actually make a difference in the grade. The grade was fine but I thought I could have made a better grade on it. Especially is this book there were so many references and foreshadowing that it was hard to comprehend without a teacher's assistance.


  1. I feel so incredibly honored to have read your interesting post. Turns out I wrote about the same thing in my blog posts.


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