Hits and Misses

English this year was full of hits and misses but I found it enjoyable. We did multiple assignments such as personal narratives, literary analysis', write poems, and research papers. A hit this year was the process in reading Purple Hibiscus. I felt really good about the appetizers because I am very good at annotations. Also I felt I put a lot of effort into the entrée and also the dessert. Also the research paper was a hit but a little challenging. The pre-writing process was the easiest part but the actual writing of the paper was hard.

A miss would be the literary analysis. There were so many things to write about in The Lord of the Flies. I probably should have gotten more help now that I think about it. Also the beginning of the poetry unit was a little challenging but I finished out strong on the test. The things that was challenging in the poetry unit were the terms because some of them were so similar it was so easy to mix them up.  


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